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where is my Patrots book?

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  • where is my Patrots book?

    several of the current events have reminded me of the book Patriots by rawles.

    couldn't find it...

    finally did. the newer version was located... time for a re-read... especially the parts about the falling dominoes... how one domino falling affected the next one.

  • #2
    A good read 100 years ago. His other books were total shiite but he sold a lot of them to fan boys.

    Unfortunately a lot of things seemed to have gone to his head- re-introducing an old concept from another crappy survival fiction author from the 80's- Ben Raines Tri state philosophy renamed and rebranded as "the American redoubt" aka Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. NOTHING original there folks, just a bunch of new "preppers" that weren't around in the 80's/early 90's to recognize that as what it was- the "tri states" philosophy from Johnstone, aka "Ben Raines" another BS archetype. And "Rawlesian concepts" - seriously? Your going to name basic preparedness concepts after yourself? Embarrassing!

    I like what he was originally doing, supported it monetarily for years even with little results but a lot of things seemed to have gone to his head. Sad and a bit embarrassing.

    "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed..."


    • #3
      Jim was always that way, like you i read "the grey ninties" before it got distributed.
      He was always fair to deal with.

      Overall a good guy but he changed a fair bit after his really really nice wife died from that stupid accidental infection.

      Still, I wish him the best.

      And you're exactly correct about Johnstone's works. Noticed a lot of similarity there.
      But still I enjoyed most of Jim's books.

      They still weren't close to Unintended Consequences which feels more to me like where we're going.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lowdown3 View Post
        A good read 100 years ago. His other books were total shiite but he sold a lot of them to fan boys.

        Unfortunately a lot of things seemed to have gone to his head- re-introducing an old concept from another crappy survival fiction author from the 80's- Ben Raines Tri state philosophy renamed and rebranded as "the American redoubt" aka Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. NOTHING original there folks, just a bunch of new "preppers" that weren't around in the 80's/early 90's to recognize that as what it was- the "tri states" philosophy from Johnstone, aka "Ben Raines" another BS archetype. And "Rawlesian concepts" - seriously? Your going to name basic preparedness concepts after yourself? Embarrassing!

        I like what he was originally doing, supported it monetarily for years even with little results but a lot of things seemed to have gone to his head. Sad and a bit embarrassing.
        Had to look but I still have original books Johnstone, God rest his soul, gave me - remnants of a previous life:D He didn't even believe what he wrote and found himself in a tough spot because so many people believed what those books said. His followers were out of sorts when they found out he didn't have a helicopter to take them to the nonexistent "tri-states" homeland.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wwdnet View Post
          Had to look but I still have original books Johnstone, God rest his soul, gave me - remnants of a previous life:D He didn't even believe what he wrote and found himself in a tough spot because so many people believed what those books said. His followers were out of sorts when they found out he didn't have a helicopter to take them to the nonexistent "tri-states" homeland.
          That's right you had met him several times if I remember right? Same for that guy that shall not be named ;)

          I ran into Johnstone one time I think it was the Soldier of Fortune convention in 1995 or 96- it was something in Vegas. Anywhoo he was about 110 years old and had some 20 something chick in tight camo all done up (read: rented stripper) hanging out with him as his booth as eye candy. Needless to say I hung around and talked for a few minutes LOL.

          "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed..."


          • #6
            I still have “000” by Rawles on a flash drive somewhere. I downloaded it and paid for each copy that I gave away to friends and family (knowing that they would not pay). I’m not sure which was first, GN or 000. Later, I purchased “Patriots,” but I loaned it to someone before I read it; it never returned. After that I decided that if anyone wants to borrow a book, I just order one from Bezos for them.


            • #7
              Grey Ninties followed by Triple Ought


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lowdown3 View Post
                That's right you had met him several times if I remember right? Same for that guy that shall not be named ;)

                I ran into Johnstone one time I think it was the Soldier of Fortune convention in 1995 or 96- it was something in Vegas. Anywhoo he was about 110 years old and had some 20 something chick in tight camo all done up (read: rented stripper) hanging out with him as his booth as eye candy. Needless to say I hung around and talked for a few minutes LOL.
                He used to fly me down to Shreveport every month or so. Not for romance, just as friends, casino buddies, and fellow preppers. I used to take care of some business and household issues because he was in pretty rough shape from the cancer. He was much older than his actual age. I would borrow his truck, drive to Longview to go shooting with my boyfriend, and meet up with some of my other survivalist buds. Then no-name came along and I found out that I was the only one who thought there was no romance LOL. So much for that friendship; then he died. Always felt guilty for not realizing that he had a thing for me. Johnstone was a nice guy but the Ashes series was fiction and that was how he saw it. He wrote survival fiction - to me it was something that should be prepared for and worked hard at to be ready for.


                • #9
                  i don't know who johnstone is...
                  results of being a newbie i guess...
                  if someone has a link... or a book or two, i'd like to borrow them.. oops.. buy them... as i too may "forget" to return them.. so ... what have you got and how much?

                  the patriots book that i found is a signed version. this means it is one of a group that i ordered from rawles... i loaned them out... never to see them again!

                  maybe a response should be a pm.


                  • #10
                    Pretty sure I sold you the book at a gathering years ago RR. In the long long ago I would buy a dozen or two at a time from Rawles and sell them for what I paid for them at the campouts/shoots/gatherings we used to hold.

                    The books we are referring to are called "Out of the Ashes." You could probably find one for $.99 paperbook on Ebay with free shipping LOL. DO NOT BUY MORE THAN THE 1ST BOOK.

                    I was a ****** and got excited to find the "series" at Chamblain book mine in Jacksonville decades ago. I bought like 25 books in the series. After book 1 it gets totally stupid and book 1 isn't anything to write home about.

                    Boiled down- SHTF, old veteran that doesn't want a part of anything is pulled into leading a big survival group that is all pulling together in YOU GUESSED IT- Idaho, Wyoming and Montana (the "Tri States"). Ben Raines (later General and Supreme Commander and 80 year old pimp daddy that every 20 something hottie wants to sleep with) reluctantly goes up there to lead his flock against the evil gubmint that has put itself together.

                    In the later 20 something books General Ben there cleans out Europe, the Americas, etc. multiple times from "creepies" and misc. scum. My God the crap I remember that is useless.... scary.


                    "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed..."


                    • #11
                      In the later 20 something books General Ben there cleans out Europe, the Americas, etc. multiple times from "creepies" and misc. scum. My God the crap I remember that is useless.... scary.
                      I missed the one where I got written in as some kind of disloyal villainess...I never paid for any of them anyway:D


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wwdnet View Post
                        I missed the one where I got written in as some kind of disloyal villainess...I never paid for any of them anyway:D
                        Oh darn! Now I'm going to have to try to figure out if I still have them all!!!

                        I probably didn't toss them because I figured if nothing else they would serve for backup TP after all the TP then years of tax records where used up!


                        "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed..."


                        • #13
                          Oh darn! Now I'm going to have to try to figure out if I still have them all!!!
                          I can't remember which one it was. Someone showed it to me way back when. Good times😂


                          • #14
                            The good times are still here.

                            They only disappear when WE forget them.


                            • #15
                              On this subject...somewhat...has anyone else been watching the current “Redoubt” movement in the Pacific Northwest? From what I have read, they follow the Rawlesian idea of a state like the one mentioned in his books, but adding western Washington state. As expected, the usual suspects have labeled the movement with the typical adjectives.

