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Will they run Big Mike?

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  • Will they run Big Mike?

    This was said last year, that biden was going to be pushed aside or given some extra cash to announce that he's "retiring" and Big Mike would be announced as the candidate.

    Or maybe Newsome and Big Mike.

    Your hearing more about it now, it was a 'conspiracy' theory last year.

    What say you? Big Mike going to be on the ticket?
    Boris- "He's famous, has picture on three dollar bill!"

    Rocky- "Wow! I've never even seen a three dollar bill!"

    Boris- "Is it my fault you're poor?"

  • #2
    i don't know who big mike is?
    i see newsome being popular with the growing woke crowd in america. and he (?) would secure california, but california is a confirmed dem state regardless.

    so.. maybe big mike is an option. ?

    is big mike pro abortion, pro homosexual extra privileges , anti gun? anti military, pro muslim, anti white, pro druggie, anti capitalistic, anti christian, pro open borders, pro socialist?
    pro gov't control, anti private business, pro tax the working class and those with money, anti male, anti private schools or school choice, pro free medical, a great speaker, anti jewish, anti israel, anti private ownership of precious metals, land and vehicles, anti jailing criminals, have an appearance of sweet kindness.

    if so, then big mike would make a great democratic contender and very possibly win the election.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rockriver View Post
      i don't know who big mike is?
      i see newsome being popular with the growing woke crowd in america. and he (?) would secure california, but california is a confirmed dem state regardless.

      so.. maybe big mike is an option. ?

      is big mike pro abortion, pro homosexual extra privileges , anti gun? anti military, pro muslim, anti white, pro druggie, anti capitalistic, anti christian, pro open borders, pro socialist?
      pro gov't control, anti private business, pro tax the working class and those with money, anti male, anti private schools or school choice, pro free medical, a great speaker, anti jewish, anti israel, anti private ownership of precious metals, land and vehicles, anti jailing criminals, have an appearance of sweet kindness.
      if so, then big mike would make a great democratic contender and very possibly win the election.
      I don't know who Big Mike is either, but if he's all the things you listed, he's the perfect Communist leader


      • #4
        Big mike is Obummers wife....

        I do not see newsome or BM being pushed in. I believe that they want full control and having either of them in TPTB will be fearful that they could lose some power. They need to keep the same crew and they (TPTB) can manipulate O'Biden and his handlers...They will be counting on massive fraud, or having an event happen that would shut down the elections or make them just a pure vote by mail...
        Protecting the sheep from the wolves that want them, their family, their money and full control of our Country!

        Guns and gear are cool, but bandages stop the bleeding!

        ATTENTION: No trees or animals were harmed in any way in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were really ticked off!

        NO 10-289!


        • #5
          Like Joan Rivers said,,,,,and they killed her for actually saying it in public and to reporters who were filming,,,,

          They asked her if we might get a gay President and she said "We already have one and Michelle is a Tranny" Reporter asked "What's a tranny"
          Rivers replied Michelle is a transvite,,,,,everybody knows it."

          Shortly thereafter, she died during a routine extremely minor tonsil surgery.


          • #6
            Well if big M did. It would check off all the DEI boxes for the NPC legions who blindly follow the Dems.
            Hey dropped your man pad!


            • #7
              Originally posted by protus View Post
              Well if big M did. It would check off all the DEI boxes for the NPC legions who blindly follow the Dems.
              Egg Zach Lee!

              First "woman" president- gets all the suburban white soccor Mom "Karen" votes- One interview with oprah or "the view" or whatever gives the ridiculous talking points now and shes (?) won that vote.
              The white suburban Karen crowd will appeal to the "she rose above what her husband did" ala "I am woman hear me roar!" 70's style thinking.

              First truly "black" president- the ones that said hussein wasn't really "black", can't argue that Mikey is.

              First trans president- for those that know or who knows, she may announce after winning at some point- news will say "so brave!"

              30 or so years of don't question because you'll be called and racist, 10 or so of the "Metoo" ala "trust all woman, men = bad!" and then the last couple years of "don't be a hater" on trans.

              The battle is always fought in the mind first.
              Boris- "He's famous, has picture on three dollar bill!"

              Rocky- "Wow! I've never even seen a three dollar bill!"

              Boris- "Is it my fault you're poor?"


              • #8
                Above is correct in as much as it doesn't broach the "controlled elections".
                However, nothing has been done to halt the brazen crooked controlled elections and to restore fair and honest elections .
                Nothing at all.
                This country is no longer a free America.
                Born 1776 Died 2018 RIP America. Long live AMERIKA​l

                It does appear that the elites hitmen have started doing their thing since Mitch McConnell's youngest sister in-law had a mysterious "accident" and died when her Tesla started up, went backwards into a Texas pond (15-20 feet deep) and drowned. Darn those "accidents", Eh?

